
Sometimes you just want that special touch to an email that only Figma can give you. We get it! That’s why we support a free plugin, Emailify, that helps you create a beautiful email in Figma then export it into Loops.

Here’s how to do it.

Step 1

Download the free Emailify plugin and launch it. You will see this screen first.


Step 2

Add preset blocks and customize them! Emailify makes it really easy.


Step 3

When you’re happy with the design, make these few changes to prep your email for Loops:

  1. Remove the “View link in browser” in the footer as Loops does not support that function (yet).


  2. Edit the “Unsubscribe” link to use the Loops merge tag {unsubscribe_link} - more info about merge tag usage is here: Personalizing your emails with merge tags


Step 4

After you’ve completed the previous step (which is very important!), go ahead and hit Export


Update your Subject and Preview text


Then click “HTML” and select “MJML” and click “Export to MJML”